
agriculture demonstration in south africa

Agricultural Demonstration

A Demonstration Farm is used to teach agricultural techniques and technologies, and is a smart investment that can help accelerate the adoption of game-changing innovations.

Farmers can learn new ways of doing things without having to make costly mistakes on their own farms.Demonstration farms are an extension tool primarily; but also an important bridge between agricultural research and the adaptation of the new technology or practice (through testing and evaluation) in local field conditions, at a commercial scale.

Who Benefits

Demonstration farms are a great way for farmers to assess new technology under circumstances they are familiar with, on their own soil types and rainfall. Using the approach, farmers can come together in a district and better understand new technology or practices and how they behave under their conditions. This then provides information that they can use to more confidently assess the option for themselves.

Youth and Women Emerging Farmers
Emerging farmers benefit from skills transfer, market readiness and market access. They will also be enabled to transition to existing, recognised value chains

Unemployed Youth
Unemployed Youth will participate in various internship and learnership programmes, They will also be placed at the demonstration centre to gain hands-on experience., and at other participating farms belonging to members of AgriSA.

A cohort of youth will be identified and trained to become extension officers in order to support emerging farmers in various provinces.

Neighbouring Communities
Job opportunities will be created for community members living close to the Demonstration Centre. They will be skilled in different facets of farming, and deployed to perform different duties on the farm. Community members will also be able to purchase farm produce at affordable prices.

Our Partners

Agriculture research council

Agricultural Research Council
The Agricultural Research Council (ARC) is a premier science institution that conducts research with partners, develops human capital and fosters innovation to support and develop the agricultural sector. In accordance with the need to focus on national development priorities, the ARC conducts agricultural research and development and drives technology development and dissemination in order to: promote sustainability and equitable economic participation in the agricultural sector; promote agriculture development and growth in related industries; facilitate sector skills development and knowledge management; facilitate and ensure natural conservation; promote national food security; and contribute to a better quality of life.
The ARC brings a wealth of scientific and practical knowledge and expertise to the partnership, which will greatly benefit farmers in the area.

Agri SA, a federation of agricultural organisations, was established in 1904 as the South African Agricultural Union and consists of 9 provincial and 26 commodity organisations as well as 44 corporate members. Essentially Agri SA, through its affiliated membership represents a diverse grouping of individual farmers regardless of gender, colour or creed.
As a nationally recognised organised body for the agricultural industry, AgriSA brings their international and local expertise and networks to this relationship, and will also encourage their members to actively participate on this project.

AgriSETA, is a diverse and fairly complex organisation that handles not only agriculture, but all food and beverage and forestry activities. AgriSETA creates and promotes opportunities for social, economic and employment growth for agri enterprises, in conjunction with other stakeholders in agriculture, through relevant, quality and accessible education, training and development in both primary and secondary agriculture.
AgriSETA is the sector authority for education and training in the agriculture industry. AgriSETA will therefore support the project by contributing to skills development of emerging farmers as well as funding learnership programmes for unemployed youth in the area..

Farming Demonstration Videos